
High Protein diets lead to significantly greater fat mass loss compared to low glycemic diets. Protein helps to not only shed fat, but also help retain lean muscle mass. Protein-rich diets improve feelings of fullness, enhance satiety, and help you naturally manage calorie intake and avoid hunger. This leads to long term weight management.


Staying well hydrated with water is crucial for weight loss and overall better health. Drinking water can temporarily increase your metabolic rate, helping to burn more calories throughout the day. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you to eat less and stay on track with your weight loss goals. Water also helps to flush out toxins from your system, improving your overall health and making you feel more energized. Staying hydrated enhances your workout performance, allowing you to exercise more effectively and see better results!


Eating more foods high in fiber, especially viscous fiber, can help with weight loss when combined with other lifestyle changes. Fiber signals your brain to stop eating. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugars into your bloodstream, which can help your body store less fat. Fiber-rich foods contain resistant starch and prebiotics that help keep your gut bacteria healthy.

Avoiding Nausea

You might experience some nausea due to overeating, eating too fast, or eating foods that are high-fat, high-sugar, or highly processed. To avoid this, it is best to limit your intake of these types of foods, and eat smaller meals more frequently.

Nausea may also be a side-effect of your weight loss medication, due to slower digestion and food being in your stomach longer than normal. In this case, we will be happy to prescribe anti-nausea medications (such as Zofran or Phenergan).

To decrease the risk of nausea, we also recommend increasing your protein, fiber, and water intake. This will not only help with nausea, but may also help to reduce constipation.

Essence Nutrition

Essence Nutrition is a team of dietitians and mental health therapists in South Florida, offering in-person, virtual, and home consultations. Essence Nutrition’s elite team are hospital-trained dietitians and are equipped to care for pediatric and adult patients. Their dietitians and therapists render our clients the ability to enjoy an approach to wellness and health, that creates nutritious and joyous eating habits to provide you with tools and strategies to help you create a healthy, positive, confident, and sustainable approach to food, and nutrition.

Nutrition and therapeutic work is an integral piece to your weight-loss treatment. To set up your consultation with an Essence Nutrition dietitian to discuss your nutritional needs, please click the butterfly image below.

You will also find helpful and meaningful nutrition and recipe content on Essence Nutrition’s Blog page:

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Macros Calculator

Carbs Requirement Women Men
Recommended amount: 20-25% 8-14%
Adults in United States, average : 22-25% 15-19%
Obese : 30+% 25+%

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